Faith-Based Group Purchasing - Better purchasing for your ministry
At Entegra, we believe in the power of your ministry. By connecting you with an unmatched network of suppliers, we ensure your procurement needs are met with precision and purpose. Whether you're a church, house of worship, mission or camp, our tailored support is designed to respect and enhance your unique faith-based endeavors. Our team, backed by decades of experience in the sector and our integration of the faith-based GPO, CORD, stands ready to empower your organization.
The Entegra Difference
For worship centers, faith-based schools and camps, conferences and missions
*Savings based when compared to supplier list prices
What we deliver
Entegra is far more than a group purchasing organization. We are a performance partner that supports over 1,300 faith-based organizations with a comprehensive range of services and solutions.
Understanding the distinctive requirements of the faith-based segment, we can deliver customized contracting, culinary expertise and digital tools. These offerings bring in-depth insights into your spend, enhancing efficiency and allowing you to concentrate on serving your ministry and community.

Savings and purchasing solutions

Data and digital tools

Advisory services and client support

Corporate social responsibility
Helping your ministry succeed

A comprehensive selection

Reliable professional support

Cultivating a comforting space

Trusted support with CORD
Now part of Entegra, CORD was a faith-based GPO that served ministries across the US for nearly 30 years. Our clients can get even more in-depth advice and expertise from consultants who are part of the community and understand how faith-based organizations work.
We know ministry.
Entegra expertise highlight:
CORD, Inc.
In 2021, we purchased CORD, Inc., making Entegra the leading GPO and business performance partner for faith-based communities.
Founded in 1993, CORD has served thousands of churches, camps, schools, missions, and other ministries across the United States. Today, we are able to introduce more faith-based clients to some of the most experienced and dedicated experts in the field — allowing ministries to benefit from greater guidance on savings and guest experience.

Our supplier partners
