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10 summer energy saving tips for your hospitality business

May 31, 2023

With the high cost of energy eating into your margins, summer can still be a season of savings.

Use these tips to see where you can make changes that can have a big impact on your bottom line and then download and share the summer energy savings infographic.

  • Optimize HVAC Systems. Cooling typically accounts for a significant portion of energy consumption in hospitality establishments. To optimize:
    • Upgrade to energy-efficient HVAC systems if possible.
    • Regularly clean and maintain HVAC equipment to ensure efficient operation.
    • Install programmable thermostats with eco-friendly temperatures pre-set.
  • Make changes to lighting
    • Upgrade lighting. Replace traditional incandescent or fluorescent lights with energy-efficient alternatives such as LED
    • Install lighting controls. Motion sensors and timers can reduce energy waste and lower operating costs.
    • Use natural light to minimize the need for artificial lighting during the day.
  • Train staff. Educate employees about energy-saving practices and encourage them to turn off lights and equipment when not needed, report maintenance issues and ensure proper use of energy-efficient features.
  • Upgrade to Energy Star certified appliances. New appliances can significantly reduce energy consumption and lower operating costs.
  • Switch to low-flow faucets, showerheads and toilets. This can significantly reduce water usage, which can in turn reduce energy usage for water heating.
  • Conserve water in groundskeeping. Properties with extensive grounds like hotels, golf courses, resorts, campuses and senior living residences can explore using drought resistant grasses that need less fertilizer and water.
  • Check insulation and sealing. Ensure that the building is properly insulated to minimize heat transfer. Insulate walls, ceilings, and windows to prevent cool air from escaping and hot air from entering. Seal any gaps or leaks that could lead to energy loss.
  • Conduct energy audits. Identify areas of improvement and potential energy-saving opportunities. Professional energy auditors can analyze energy usage patterns, recommend energy-efficient upgrades, and provide customized solutions for your specific business.
  • Implement Energy Management Systems. With real-time monitoring and control of energy usage, these systems allow you to track energy consumption, identify anomalies, and adjust for optimal efficiency.
  • Add rooftop solar panels. Installing solar panels can provide a renewable source of energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Share the summer energy infographic with your team.

Need help with taking steps to save on your energy bills? Entegra can help you make smarter energy decisions with savings insights, expert support and cutting-edge tools.

May 31, 2023

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